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Monthly Archives: June 2024


Recovering Damages After An Uber/Lyft Accident

By Hornsby Law Group |

After a rocky start, Uber and Lyft have carved out a place for themselves in the transportation sphere in many U.S. cities, providing a valuable service for millions of people. However, their drivers are just as fallible as any other, and accidents involving rideshare cars do happen in Florida. If you have been involved… Read More »

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Filing A Wrongful Death Lawsuit In Florida

By Hornsby Law Group |

Suddenly losing a loved one is most people’s worst nightmare, particularly if their passing happens in an utterly needless way. If you have experienced a sudden loss recently, and you suspect that it happened due to the “wrongful act, negligence, default, or breach” of contract or warranty of someone else, you may be able… Read More »

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Accidents Involving Distracted Drivers

By Hornsby Law Group |

Both the state of Florida and the U.S. federal government recognize distracted driving as one of the most dangerous behaviors one can perform behind a wheel. Data reported in Forbes estimates around 3,000 deaths per year occur in accidents where distracted driving is a factor – roughly 9 percent of all road fatalities in… Read More »

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Elderly Plaintiffs & Slip-And-Fall Accidents In Florida

By Hornsby Law Group |

Data from the 2020 U.S. Census reports that roughly 21 percent of Florida’s population is over the age of 65 – the highest percentage in the nation. Because of this, Florida businesses must be hyper-aware of potential hazards facing elderly customers, and many do. However, the most common cause of serious injury among those… Read More »

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