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Orlando Personal Injury Attorneys / Blog / Motorcycle Accidents / Florida Motorcycle Accidents Can Be Deadly

Florida Motorcycle Accidents Can Be Deadly


While northern locales may be drowning in ice and snow, Florida tends to have much more mild weather year round. As a result, it is one of the top three states for motorcycle riders, having nearly 670,000 motorcycles registered during 2021-23. Lots of sun and a culture of riding make Florida a hot destination for bikers – but at the same time, it means that the number of motorcycle crashes in the state also rises disproportionately. If you are involved in an accident, it can leave you with lifelong injuries.

Disproportionately Deadly

Motorcycles may be fun to ride, but statistics show that they can also be deadly if an accident happens. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that in 2022, motorcyclists made up somewhere between 2 and 3 percent of all road users – but accounted for 15 percent of that year’s road fatalities. Those numbers have continued to climb, reaching 4 percent and 22 percent, collectively, in 2024.

Some of the reasons for such a high casualty toll are, unfortunately, some of the same reasons many people find motorcycles fun to ride. In general, motorcyclists have far less protection than auto drivers or passengers do in the event of a crash – usually just their helmet and whatever protective clothing they choose to wear – and are often difficult to see for people in cars or trucks. Still, too many motorcycle deaths occur because of negligence by other drivers.

Recovery Is Possible

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a motorcycle crash, recovering damages can sometimes be difficult, but it is not impossible to prevail. While not every accident can be laid at the foot of another driver, it is possible to establish negligence in these types of cases, particularly if you are a motorcyclist struck by an auto driver or a truck, as there are many different ways for negligence to happen.

A driver must (1) breach their duty to exercise reasonable care for other road users by (2) causing tangible harm to someone in order to be found negligent in Florida. It is not uncommon for this to be proven by evidence that can be found at the scene, or by witness statements or medical records – but it can still take the right attorney to know how to use such evidence.

Call An Orlando Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Those who have lived through motorcycle accidents are likely to have serious injuries and trauma. An Orlando motorcycle accident attorney from the Hornsby Law Group can help you get the best chance possible to recover for what you have been through. Let us handle the legal load, while you focus on life getting back to normal. Call our office today to schedule a consultation.



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