Category Archives: Slip and Fall Injury

“Actual Or Constructive Notice” & Florida Slip-And-Fall Cases
Slip and fall accidents are one of the most common types of personal injury cases, and those that happen in a place of business like a supermarket can result in an injured person recovering significant money damages for the harm they have suffered. However, slip and fall cases that happen on business premises requires… Read More »

Recovering After A Slip-and-Fall Accident
While the COVID-19 pandemic is still going on, and most people are trying to stay indoors where possible, people still have to go out for work and normal errands. The same potential pitfalls and risks are in place as they would be in “normal” times; nowhere is this more apparent than in the risk… Read More »

Slip-and-Fall Accidents & Inclement Weather
Most of the time, the average person thinks of a slip-and-fall accident as a misstep in a grocery store. However, far more slip-and-fall accidents actually occur due to poor weather and cleanup failures, and if this has happened to you, it is crucial to enlist an experienced attorney to help you bring your claim,… Read More »

Florida Summers See More Slip & Fall Accidents
Florida summers can be beautiful, but they also bring rain, to say nothing of the tourist influx the state always sees in its warmest months. With packed bars and clubs, plus more frequent storms, accidents are more likely to happen, especially those that involve slip-and-falls. It is all too easy to fail to see… Read More »

Florida Slip and Fall Accidents
Everyone has the potential to slip and fall from time to time. However, sometimes a slip and fall can happen because of someone else’s negligence. If you are in this position, and you have been injured, your medical bills can add up; trying to hold the negligent person accountable can help get them paid… Read More »

Florida Slip & Fall Cases Can Be Difficult To Win
Slip and fall accidents are some of the most commonly seen personal injury cases in this day and age. However, they have become something of a joke; they are often assumed to be silly, avoidable incidents due largely to the victim’s own recklessness. This could not be further from the truth, but stigma is… Read More »

Summer Slip and Falls
As summer arrives, Florida begins to play host to any number of tourists and visitors, which can make the odds of certain types of accidents rise. Perhaps the most common are slip-and-fall accidents, which usually occur in businesses and other public places – as crowds and business patrons grow, so does the possibility for… Read More »

Florida Slip & Falls Are Difficult To Prove
In Florida, slip and fall accidents are depressingly common, especially in places like retail establishments. Restaurants and grocery stores are at a high risk of having spills happen, and personnel are not always willing or able to clean them properly. However, unlike many other U.S. states, Florida’s specific slip and fall statute establishes a… Read More »

Property & Premises Liability: Out Of The Supermarket
To the extent that the average Floridian has heard of premises liability, they have likely heard about it in the context of a person slipping and falling in a supermarket. However, there are many other situations in which premises liability law apply, and many if not most are ignorant of them, even when they… Read More »

Spring and Summer Slip and Falls
As the weather improves, both private citizens and business owners have to adapt to changes that the higher temperatures will bring to the state. Some are quicker than others, especially when it comes to public areas and businesses, and every year accidents result from this lack of foresight. If you are injured due to… Read More »