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Category Archives: Premises Liability


Swimming Pool Accidents Are More Common In Summer

By Hornsby Law Group |

Most of the United States looks forward to swimming pool season once the weather changes, but Florida is in the position where it can, at least in theory, be swimming pool season all year round. Summer is still the season where pools are used most often, and it is also the season when the… Read More »

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Seeking Liability For Disney World Injuries

By Hornsby Law Group |

A trip to Disney can make a child’s year, and can usually bring a smile to all but the grumpiest parent. Unfortunately, despite stringent safety standards and security, accidents do happen, and the results can be serious. If you or a family member have been injured at Disney World, you may have a case… Read More »

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Invitees In Florida Premises Liability

By Hornsby Law Group |

Premises liability is a common-law legal theory that has been codified (written into the statutory law) in Florida, with the intention of protecting visitors to other people’s premises if the owner is negligent. There are three different groups of visitors, and the group to which a person belongs will change the degree of care… Read More »

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Injured Children & Premises Liability

By Hornsby Law Group |

When your child is injured, it is natural for you as a parent to be frightened or worried. However, if your child is injured on someone else’s property, the nature of that injury can make a big difference in whether they might have a claim against the landowner or business owner for negligence.  Understanding… Read More »

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