Category Archives: Truck Accidents

Filing Suit After A Florida Truck Accident
Truck accidents are sadly common in Florida, given how much traffic there is at any moment on the state’s roads. Not all of these accidents occur due to negligence – but those that do usually lead to severe injuries. Being involved in a road accident is never easy, but an accident involving a large… Read More »

Who Is At Fault In A Tractor-Trailer Accident?
Tractor-trailer accidents happen in Florida with sad regularity, given how many appear on the state’s roads. However, this does not necessarily mean that Florida drivers are somehow inept – there are multiple ways in which a tractor-trailer accident can happen, and sometimes this may be the fault of the truck driver. If you have… Read More »

Accidents With Large Trucks On Florida Roads
Large trucks are omnipresent on Florida roads, and while most of them are driven safely and professionally, those that are not wind up causing significant, even life-changing injury, to those unfortunate enough to be accident victims. While each accident may have a completely different cause, it is important to understand that you have the… Read More »

Truck Accidents On Florida Roads
The most recent available data available from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) estimates that there were roughly 4400 fatalities and over 107,000 injuries in accidents involving large trucks. While this may not sound like much compared to the number of casualties in car accidents, it is still notable simply because trucks are… Read More »

Liability In Florida Trucking Accidents
The most recent available data from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) estimates that approximately 499,000 police-reported crashes that involved large trucks occurred on U.S. roads that year. Approximately 33,000 of those were in Florida, with around 5 percent of those resulting in injury or death. If you have been so unfortunate as… Read More »

Jackknife Truck Accidents In Florida
18-wheelers are far larger than almost every other vehicle on the road, and specialized training is required to operate them correctly. However, sometimes even experienced truckers lose control, and when that occurs, jackknife truck accidents are some of the most common that may result. If you are involved in a jackknife accident, your injuries… Read More »

Cargo Liability For Truckers In Florida
Trucks make up a large portion of commerce in Florida, moving a lot of products especially for local businesses. However, due to their sheer size they can be more difficult to drive, and to share the road with. Trucks are involved in a significant number of accidents each year, but the majority tend to… Read More »

Accidents Involving Semi-Trucks
Most drivers on the road obviously try to do their best to operate their vehicles safely, regardless of what they drive. However, accidents do happen, and due to their sheer size, semi-trucks are involved in a higher proportion of accidents than one might think. If you are involved in a crash with a semi-truck,… Read More »

Types Of Trucking Accidents
Because there is so much traffic on Florida highways, accidents happen with regularity, especially with semis and other commercial trucks. However, it is possible to experience multiple different types of collisions with semi trucks, depending on the specific situation, and the injuries and aftermath can be different in all of them. The most recent… Read More »

Unique Issues In Big Rig Accidents
Big rig trucks can be incredibly hazardous to deal with, especially for drivers in small cars. Truck drivers have to deal with different hazards than automobile drivers, and sometimes these issues can result in an accident causing harm to all involved. While it can be difficult to determine who truly was at fault for… Read More »