Category Archives: Underinsured Motorists

Accidents Involving Underinsured Motorists
Most of the time, when an auto accident occurs in Florida, the drivers involved exchange insurance information, and the affair is handled from there. However, in some instances, a motorist may have no auto insurance, or not enough. They are referred to as an underinsured or uninsured, and while it can be difficult to… Read More »

Are You Fully Covered? Accidents Involving Uninsured Motorists
No one wants to be in an automobile accident. However, accidents in Florida carry an unseen extra risk, because as many as one in four Florida drivers are either significantly underinsured, or carry no coverage at all. If you are in an accident with an underinsured or uninsured motorist, you run the risk of… Read More »

Florida Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage
Florida doesn’t require that people who hit you have liability insurance to pay for your injuries. Therefore, it’s most important that you buy uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. If a person has no insurance and they damage you, your uninsured motorist coverage will protect you up to amount of the limits that you purchase. If they… Read More »