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Orlando Personal Injury Attorneys / Blog / Premises Liability / Swimming Pool Accidents Are More Common In Summer

Swimming Pool Accidents Are More Common In Summer


Most of the United States looks forward to swimming pool season once the weather changes, but Florida is in the position where it can, at least in theory, be swimming pool season all year round. Summer is still the season where pools are used most often, and it is also the season when the most injuries and fatalities happen around the pool. If you or a loved one have been injured in or around someone’s swimming pool, you may have a case against them if you can establish their negligence. The right attorney can help to clarify matters.

Drowning Accidents Are Always Possible

Floridians love to swim, but this does not, unfortunately, come without a cost. There are countless accidents and deaths around pools each year, with a sobering proportion happening to very young children – data from Florida’s Department of Health estimates that annually, enough children under the age of 4 drown in Florida pools to fill 3 or 4 classrooms. Nationwide, drowning is a common cause of death for children of this age simply because parents and guardians underestimate the potential dangers.

In recent years, Florida passed the Recreational Swimming Pool Safety Act, which imposes restrictions on homeowners who own and maintain a swimming pool on their property. However, far too many are unaware of these restrictions or believe them to be optional. Each residential pool owner must institute at least one of the recommended safety features, or the owner will face criminal penalties. However, the charge will usually be dropped if the owner installs one of the features within 45 days.

Other Types Of Pool Accidents

Obviously, drowning is not the only type of accident that one can experience around a swimming pool. Some of the most often seen in addition to drowning or near-drowning include slip and falls, problems with faulty equipment, and accidents related to a lack of signage (for example, not having a sign up warning of hazards or pool depth). These accidents vary in severity, but regardless, if you believe that the pool’s owner was negligent, you may try to file suit against them for the harm you have suffered.

This type of action falls under the law of premises liability. In short, a property owner or homeowner has a duty to exercise reasonable care to preserve the safety of their visitors, though the degree of care itself may vary depending on the status of the visitor. Social guests are usually qualified as licensees, who are present on the property for their own reasons; this still means the pool’s owner must use a significant degree of care in making the area as safe as possible for them. Failure to do so may be actionable.

Contact An Orlando Swimming Pool Accident Attorney

Being able to swim and relax around a pool can make a person’s day – but being met with an accident can ruin life in the long-term. An Orlando premises liability attorney from the Hornsby Law Group can help answer your questions about your options in the aftermath of an accident; we are ready and willing to do our best for you. Call our office today at (407) 499-8887 to schedule a free consultation.



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